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Settings reference

See Configuring the settings for a step-by-step guide on how to copy the settings over.

Project settings

These settings control the overall behaviour of the app.

Enabled for project

To enable the app for this project, select this option.

Maximum attachment size

This is the total size limit for the attachments in KB.
If the total file size for the selected attachments exceeds this limit, the notification will not be sent to avoid causing problems with email server or clients.
A notification email will be sent to the user who added the comment to warn them that it has not been possible to send the notification.

Project Email Template

These settings control the appearance of the notification email.


The notification email subject line.


HTML content of the email.


CSS used to style the appearance of the email.

Plain text

Content for plain text version of the email.

The app uses the same templating variables as Jira Service Management itself to configure the notification emails.

For a full reference of the available template variables and more information about how notifications are configured see Managing service desk notifications (Atlassian Support).

We recommend that if you wish to customise the emails, you should use the Jira Service Management administration user interface to preview changes as you edit the templates. It is also possible to send test emails. Once you are happy with the settings, copy them over into the app. 

Please note that currently, the app only supports a single language for the configured notifications.

Notification Rules

These settings control which customers receive notifications when a public comment is added or edited, and which content from the issue comment adds to the email defined previously.

The following settings are repeated for each event type:

Reporter (Customer)

The reporter of the request.

Customers involved

All customers involved on the request, including the reporter and request participants.

Exclude person who caused the action

Prevents the person who triggered the rule from receiving a notification. For example, if a customer adds a comment to a request, you can choose to exclude them, so they don't receive a notification about their own comment.


Content of the notification to be included within the overall email template defined in the Project Email Template settings.

See Project Email Template above for details about the templating variables available and the best way to customise the emails. 

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